• Thu. Feb 13th, 2025

Why use dati to protect workers?


Jan 21, 2023
dati to protect workers?

In France, many employees work alone. In the event of an accident, they risk not receiving assistance in time. However, with the alarm system for isolated workers (DATI), they can carry out their duties with complete peace of mind.

Datis protect workers against potential risks

The concept of isolated worker designates any employee of a company, whose mission takes place in a space where he can neither be seen nor heard. As a result, dati to protect workers when he finds himself in an emergency situation or an accident, he cannot benefit from immediate assistance. To overcome this problem, the DATIs are designed to report to an internal or external central, any distress situation faced by the worker in an isolated post. The DATI of a lone worker can therefore send an alert when the latter finds himself:

When the alarm is issued, it is received and processed by the control center which sends prompt assistance to the worker. This makes it possible to avoid situations of non-assistance, which result in the death or disability of certain workers in isolated posts. You can contact specialists in the sector to find out more about how this equipment works. With the DATI, the risks will thus be considerably reduced.

Datis help companies comply with security rules

According to article 4121-1 of the Labor Code, every employer has the obligation to put in place preventive measures in his company , to ensure the safety of all employees in post. Further on, in article 4224-16, it is said that it is up to the company manager to take the necessary measures to mobilize first aid as quickly as possible for the workers, in the event of accident or illness.

By definition, the protection of the isolated worker (PTI) corresponds to all the prevention and intervention measures put in place for the protection of the worker. It is therefore an obligation for any employer. Since the DATIs are means put in place to ensure the PTI , they therefore represent a response to this legal obligation. Therefore, by equipping your isolated workers with DATI, you comply with legal requirements and are in good standing with the law.

What are the advantages of using a dati?

Setting up a DATI brings many other benefits to your business. This is initially a complementary provision to the PPE used by workers on the site. Since the latter only physically protect the employee in the field, the protection of the DATI is more extensive. It signals any case of discomfort or fall , thus limiting dangerous situations.

In addition, the installation of a DATI is much less complicated than that of other equipment. The same is true for the distribution among employees. This type of equipment has the advantage of being light to carry and easy to transport. There are even DATI telephones, which combine the advantages of a telephone and those of an alarm device for isolated workers. By providing your workers with the DATI, the risks are controlled and productivity is better , because the employee works more calmly.

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